Home > Trains from Guilin to Kunming
Trains from Guilin to Kunming
There are 3 daily trains from Guilin to Kunming, and passengers can take a train to Kunming at Guilin Railway Station and Guilin North Railway Station. Please check the Guilin - Kunming train schedule below.
Train No. | Departure | Arrival | Duration | Tickets Fare (CNY) |
K635 | Guilin North 11:24 | Kunming 08:36 +1 | 21h12m | Soft Sleeper: 464.5 Hard Sleeper: 296.5 Hard Seat: 173.5 |
T381 | Guilin North 13:22 | Kunming 08:03 +1 | 18h41m | Soft Sleeper: 409.5 Hard Sleeper: 261.5 Hard Seat: 152.5 |
K985 | Guilin 16:11 | Kunming 12:36 +1 | 20h25m | Soft Sleeper: 409.5 Hard Sleeper: 261.5 Hard Seat: 152.5 |
We can offer you reliable Guilin China Train Tickets Booking service, with the minimum handling and delivery fees. Also, please check the timetable & schedule of Trains from Kunming to Guilin.