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Home > Trains from Guilin to Xian

Trains from Guilin to Xian

There is only one tdirect rain from Guilin to Xian every day, and passengers can take the train to Xian at Guilin North (GuilinBei) Railway Station. Please check the Guilin - Xi'an train schedule below. (Updated on December 1, 2015)

Train No.Departure Arrival DurationTickets Fare (CNY)
K316Guilin North
20:59 +1
25h49mSoft Sleeper: 585
Hard Sleeper: 370
Hard Seat: 217

We can offer you reliable Guilin China Train Tickets Booking service, with the minimum handling and delivery fees. Also, please check the timetable & schedule of Trains from Xi'an to Guilin
